Au Caveau de la Bolée
Frommer's Recommended
Address 25 rue de l'Hirondelle, 6e
Transportation Métro: St-Michel
Phone 01-43-54-62-20
Prices Admission to show, including a prix fixe dinner, 50€ ($65). Admission to show only, including 1 drink, 25€ ($32.50)
To enter this bawdy boîte (small nightclub), you descend into the catacombs of the early-14th-century Abbaye de St-André, once a cafe that attracted Verlaine, who slowly snuffed out his life with absinthe here. The singing is loud and smutty, the way the predominantly student audience likes it. Occasionally, the audience sings along. You'll enjoy this place a lot more if you can follow the thread of the French-language jokes and satire, but even if you can't, there are enough visuals (magic acts and singers) to amuse. The prix fixe dinner is followed by a series of at least four entertainers, usually comedians. In lieu of paying admission for the cabaret, you can order dinner. If you've already had dinner, you can order just a drink. Open Monday through Saturday; dinners 8:30 to 10:30pm, shows 10:30pm to 1:30am.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Au Caveau de la Bolée
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Lucky Lake Hostel
* Take metro number 54 or 50, direction Gein.
-If you arrive by train or bus you catch metro 54 from Central Station or Amstel station.
-If you arrive by plane, you first take a train (there is a trainstation under the airport) to Amsterdam-Duivendrecht. There you catch metro 50 or 54.
* Get out of the metro at 'Holendrecht'. Take the south('zuid')-exit. Go down the stairs and turn right. Now you will see bus-stops, a green public phone and an orange bar. From here you have 2 options:
*Option 1: Call us: the first pick-up with our shuttle is free. From a (foreign) mobile phone, dial 00-31-294-282814. From the green public phone outside (it uses dutch phonecards) or the public phone in the orange bar (it uses coins), dial 0294-282814.
*Option 2 (not on Sunday): Take bus 126, direction Mijdrecht. Get out at Molenkade (this is 2 stops after Abcoude Viaduct A2). Walk 50 meters back and follow the signs of Lucky Lake.
Get on the A2 highway. Take exit number 3: Abcoude. At the end of the exit, follow direction 'Vinkeveense Plassen'. You are now driving on a road that is parallel to the Highway. At the first junction on this road, go straight, direction 'Vinkeveense Plassen'. You should now see small houses on your right side. At the next junction (immediately after these small houses), go right. You can park on the big parking-area on your left. Lucky Lake is in front of you.
Hote Prinsenhof
Phone : +31-20-6231772 |
Fax : +31-20-6383368 |
Email: |
Schwarenbach Inn
Peter Stoller-Wehrli
CH-3718 Kandersteg
Tel ++41(0)33 675 12 72 / Fax 675 22 87
A. van Wees Distilleerderij De Ooievaar
Driehoekstraat 10
1015 GL Amsterdam
Telephone: 020 - 626 77 52
Fax: 020 - 626 77 54
Route description
1. A10 junction S103
2. Turn to the right: Haarlemmerweg
3. After 2 km you enter the Haarlemmerplein
4. At the second trafficlight you turn to the right: Korte Marnixstraat
5. And directly to the left: Brouwersgracht
6. Turn right at the bridge
7. Enter the Palmgracht
8. Turn right at the first street: Driehoekstraat
Open-Air Bargains: Amsterdam's Flea Markets
Few markets compare with Amsterdam's Waterlooplein flea market, which surrounds the perimeter of the Stopera (Muziektheater/Town Hall complex) building. It's a descendant of the haphazard pushcart trade that gave this part of the city its distinct and lively character in the early part of the century. It can be fun to visit, and if you think your own attic is a mess, you'll be gratified to see the piles of similar stuff dumped here. It's amusing to see the old telephones, typewriters, and other arcana all haphazardly displayed -- but it's even more amusing to see shoppers scrambling and vying with each other to buy it. Professional dealers set up here also, selling secondhand clothing, hats, and purses, often from the past 40 years. New fashions are mostly for the rock music set. The flea market is open Monday-Saturday 9:30-5.
The Bloemenmarkt, (along the Singel canal, between Koningsplein and Muntplein) is another of Amsterdam's must-see markets, where flowers and plants are sold from permanently moored barges. The market is open Monday-Sunday 8:30-6.
On Saturday 9-4, the Noordermarkt (which winds around Noorderkerk and along Lindengracht) hosts a fabric market; on Monday mornings, a flea market evocative of the old world takes over. It's a sprawling affair, mostly full of used clothing, books, and toys, but you can also find antique silverware and pottery as well as wartime and advertising memorabilia. Collectors browse here for old pearl buttons and sewing notions, dolls, used sewing machines, and books.
Nieuwmarkt (at northern end of Kloverniersburgwal) hosts an organic farmers' market, with specialist stalls selling essential oils and other New Age fare alongside the oats, legumes, and vegetables.
Sunday art markets are held in good weather from April to October in the Rembrandtplein area on Thorbeckeplein (10:30-6), and from April to November in the Dam area at Spui square (10-6), which also hosts a boeken market on Friday (10-6) that's a used and antiquarian book-browsing paradise.
The Postzegelmarkt stamp market is held twice a week (Wednesday and Saturday, 1-4) by the Spui on Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal.
A favorite with locals is the Albert Cuypmarkt, on Albert Cuypstraat between Ferdinand Bolstraat and Van Woustraat, in the heart of the De Pijp district, and considered the best open-air street market in Amsterdam. It's open Monday-Saturday 9-5. Among the colorful and noisy crowd, vendors sell food, clothing, fabrics, houseplants, and household goods from all over the world. Just about every ethnic culture is represented here (vendors, goods, and buyers), and if you take time out for people-watching, you'll hear a musical mélange of spoken languages. Be sure to try some of the exotic street food, or just order the Dutchman's favorite fast food -- frites met mayonnaise (fries with mayonnaise) served piping hot in a paper cone. Simply delicious. Look for Belgian frites, as these are the tastiest.
Fabric lovers will think they've gone to heaven when they visit the Monday Lapjesmarkt. Go early in the morning via the No. 3 or 10 tram to the stop for the Marnixbad. Follow the crowd -- most people on the tram will be headed for the market. All along the Westerstraat, you'll find stalls with every possible kind of fabric -- beautiful rainbow-colored Asian silks embedded with mirrors and embroidery, batiks from Indonesia, Suriname, and Africa, fabulous faux furs, lace curtains, velvet drapery materials, calicos, and vinyl coverings, all being admired and stroked by eager shoppers. Couturiers rub elbows with housewives, vendors measure out meters, and the crowds keep getting denser. The fabric market continues down the Westerstraat and then merges with a fruit, vegetable, and clothing market; then, at the end of the street, near the Noorderkerk (Northern Church), there is the large Noordermarkt flea market. The Lapjesmarket closes at noon.
Berggasthaus Aescher-Wildkirchli (Switzerland)
Familie Beny & Claudia Knechtle-Wyss
CH-9057 Weissbad AI •
T: 071 799 11 42 • F: 071 799 18 56

The aerial cableway takes you from Wasserauen into one of the most beautiful areas in Alpstein. From the extensive high plateau with rich alpine flora you get a magnificent round view over the Appenzell, Sankt Gall and Thurgau hill-landscape, the wide area of Lake Constance, as well as to the west and south the picturesque panorama of the Alpstein mountain chain is opened up before you.
A translation:

Louve #3
Tickets for the Permanent Collections€8.50This ticket provides full-day access to the Louvre, except for temporary exhibitions in the Hall Napoléon. It is also valid for the Musée Eugène Delacroix.Starting from July 1st, 2007, admission to the permanent collections will be €9.€6(from 6 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.)This ticket provides access to the Louvre, except for temporary exhibitions in the Hall Napoléon, on Wednesday and Friday evenings.
Tickets for Exhibitions in the Hall Napoléon€9.50This ticket is valid for temporary exhibitions in the Hall Napoléon.Free admission to the museum on the first Sunday of every month does not include the exhibitions in the Hall Napoléon.
Combined Ticket€13The combined ticket provides access to the permanent collections, as well as all temporary exhibitions in both the Louvre and the Musée Eugène Delacroix.€11(from 6 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.)The evening combined ticket provides access to the permanent collections, as well as all temporary exhibitions in the Louvre on Wednesday and Friday evenings.
Museum Opening Hours
The museum is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day except Tuesday and the following holidays: January 1st, May 1st, May 8 and December 25, 2007.It is open until 10 p.m. on Wednesday and Friday evenings except on Wednesday, August 15, 2007 (open until 6 p.m.).Admission to the Louvre is free on the first Sunday of every month.
Due to renovation works, the rooms of Greek Classical and Hellenistic period are closed. (Sully Wing, ground floor, rooms 7, 14, 15, 16).The Pyramid and Carrousel arcade entrances are open daily from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., except Tuesday.The Passage Richelieu is open daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., except Tuesday.The Porte des Lions entrance is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., except Tuesday and Friday.
© Louvre / Deidi von Schaeven
Opening Hours for Exhibitions in the Hall Napoléon
The Hall Napoléon is open daily from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., except Tuesday.The permanent collections and temporary exhibitions in the Hall Napoléon are open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (and until 10 p.m. on Wednesday and Friday).